You're Not Alone
In this big world, it can seem at times that our lives are insignificant. It can feel lonely. It can feel suffocating. It can seem like the whole world is against you. We can lose people we love. We can lose people that only made a short appearance in our lives. But just because they're gone, doesn't mean that we need to go with them. Let me tell you this: It's going to be okay. No matter what you're dealing with, it's going to be okay. It may not be okay at first, it may take a really long time. But, just know that you're not alone. You're never alone. If you ever need to talk, there will always be someone who will listen. Find that person, and make sure that you keep them close. We all go through hard times, and difficult situations. But I can guarantee you, that your life is worth living. I'm no expert and honestly have no right to be telling other people that it is going to be okay, but I just know deep down in my heart that everything is...