Are we just a random shout into the void?

Sometimes I find myself wondering what our lives, and what this world is really all about. We are born, we (hopefully) live, and then we die. Does what we do really matter? Are the relationships that we form really that important? Does "living in the moment" actually make any sense? Will anyone remember us when we're gone?

Obviously, the non-morbid answer to all of these questions would be a definite "yes". But do you ever stop to think about what happens when we die? Have you ever thought about what life was before we were born? What were we? What will be become? Is there an after life?

I think that a lot of people look towards religion to answer these questions, as well as to find comfort. Death isn't something we should think about, right?

Sometimes I can't help but think that there really is nothing after we die. And if that is true, what should I be doing in the mean time?


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